Are cardboard egg cartons recycled in Australia? Do cardboard recyclers in Melbourne accept egg cartons?
Are cardboard egg cartons recycled in Australia? Do cardboard recyclers in Melbourne accept egg cartons?
When you are planning to move from one office to another, the first thing that comes to mind is how many corrugated cardboard boxes you need and how big they should be.
Most, if not all, of the products that we use today have come to us in some form of a cardboard box.
A great day for any business here in Australia is when you get a lot of customers, enough that you need to order more supplies and then organise those supplies before the day ends.
Although more and more people are opening their eyes to the negative effects of using plastics daily, many still cannot stop ordering food and eating their favourite takeaways at home.
One of the most common questions that we get as a cardboard recycler in Melbourne is, “Can waxed cardboard be recycled?”
Here is a scenario for you: You love online shopping, and a lot of the products you buy come in cardboard boxes of different sizes.